Gender Differences in Motivation

Men and women who go to work are normally after the same goals, often for some monetary compensation, and to advance in their careers. Men have their reasons for going to work and women have their reasons for going to work. Mostly, because everyone has bills to pay and no one lives for free, unless you are smart enough to figure out how not to work or find someone who will take care of you for life. Unfortunately for most of us, we all have to go to work.

Men and women both want to be respected and seen as individuals in the workplace. They want their opinions to matter and be heard. They want to be valued as assets to the company. Both want to make a good salary or at least a decent living wage. Both want to be able to have opportunities for advancement. Most importantly, as men and women progress in their careers while establishing families, they want to be able to balance their work life and their personal life to be able to spend more time at home, while also being able to succeed at work. Men and women often do want the same things when it comes to jobs and careers.

Men and women can be very different in what they are willing to go after though. The gender divide for what motivates employee gender is quite different. Men may be more motivated when it comes to money, while women may be more motivated if given the chance to advance and establish more of a balance between work and family life. However, what women and men want and how they get there may be quite different from each other.

This infographic further discusses the gender divide for what motivates employees.




Author credit Confessions of the Professions